Concert Choir

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About the Ensemble

Celebrating their 33rd season as the top auditioned ensemble of Champlin Park High School’s vocal music program, the Concert Choir performs unique and challenging mixed repertoire. The ensemble performs eight to ten concerts per year.

In 2015, the Concert Choir was one of six high school choirs chosen to perform at the Minnesota Music Educators Association Midwinter Clinic. The ensemble was also selected as one of five choirs from across the state to sing with Dr. Edith Copley as part of the American Choral Directors Association Minnesota Choral Arts Finale in April 2011.

The Champlin Park High School Concert Choir is an advanced, honors-level choir for mixed voices in grades 10-12. The curriculum focuses on healthy and efficient vocal technique, choral and solo repertoire, and music literacy through rigorous instruction and student practice.

Members of this group are highly motivated, goal-oriented, and make incredible strides in musicianship each year. In addition, this ensemble is an inclusive environment where all team members respect and value one another.

As an International Baccalaureate World School, many students participate in advanced classroom and instrumental music coursework beyond the Concert Choir.

Auditions for Concert Choir are held each spring for the following academic year.

2019-2020 Concert Choir Syllabus

Concert Recordings

For more recordings, visit CPHS Vocal Music on SoundCloud.